

Une expertise acquise au cœur des enjeux mondiaux de gouvernance et de la gestion de PME et OBNL

Business Continuity


Most organizations do not have emergency plans in place. They therefore cannot guarantee continuous operations. When an emergency occurs, it not only jeopardizes their ongoing activities, but often puts their financial situation to the test. Sometimes, they are unable to recover.

Our experts will guide and support you in establishing a diagnosis, developing a business continuity and crisis plan, and assist in implementing it in your organization.


Our experts will assess your prevention systems and your state of preparedness. They will also evaluate your emergency, business continuity and recovery plans. If you have already gone through a crisis, our experts will also help you conduct an after-action review leading to lessons learned. Our experts will conduct the risk diagnosis through interviews of key personnel, surveys, and written observations.


Our experts will work with management to come up with a joint planning strategy that will prioritize and implement the recommendations resulting from the diagnosis. It will include developing both a prevention and crisis management program as well as a business continuity plan. Our experts will lead planning and brainstorming sessions as well as meetings dedicated to reviewing your decision-making practices and delegation structures. They will bring it all together into an integrated plan that will cover prevention, crisis/emergency response, recovery and business continuity. Finally, our experts will offer advice and periodic follow-up sessions to guide and support you during the implementation period.


After the plan is implemented, management must ensure it maintains its decision-making, crisis management, and business continuity capabilities. We provide workshops for management as well as for senior level managers and supervisors as required. We can also confirm business continuity and crisis capabilities through tabletop and/or live exercises.